Global Atmospheric Chemistry

Global Atmospheric Chemistry
Research, Collaboration, Education, Society, Policy, and many more!

Science & Techniques

Good science is a basis for a good solution.
We try to better understand fundamental sciences of the Earth system underlying global environmental issues such as climate change and air pollution, and develop techniques/methods enabling it, with a strong hope to contribute to improving current and future Earth as well as the society.

People & Career

Good research depends on good people.
We are eager to enhance an ability of individual scientists. By helping develop the careers of postdocs and students, we are contributing to the growth of the atmospheric chemistry communities in Japan and the world.

International Collaboratioin

Science has no border, science is international.
Scientists compete for a discovery or invention, but as a good rival in an open and healthy manner. On the other hand, scientists collaborate and help each other for a better world. All atmospheric chemists in the world are our colleagues and friends.


We develop techniques for measuring and modeling trace gases and aerosols of atmospheric importance, make laboratory experiments to reveal the formation and reaction mechanisms, observe spatial and temporal variations using ground-based, ship, aircraft, and satellite platforms, and simulate emissions, transport, transformation, and deposition processes. Through these activities, we can understand the physical and chemical processes of the troposphere and the stratosphere and the exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean and land surfaces, and analyze their linkages to global air pollution and climate change. We also brief policy implications of the scientific results obtained, aiming to contribute to Japan’s and/or international climate and environmental policies that support the goals of global sustainability.